TUE, APRIL 13, 2021 • S1 E41 • 36 MIN 10 SEC
Empowering and Transforming LeadHerShip from the Inside Out with Linda Fisk
As a woman entrepreneur, you know the incredible impact a connected network can have on your business… especially when you’re able to interact with titans of your industry who can provide priceless guidance, support, and perhaps even capital.
And now, tapping into a powerhouse network is easier than ever, thanks to Linda Fisk, Founder of LeadHERship Global. This incredible network of successful and influential female entrepreneurs helps rising stars navigate their professional and personal lives by providing the exact resources they need to put them on the fast track to success.
Not only can women receive expert coaching about business, but they also gain personal insight into their unique leadership style through engaging conversations, events, and assessments. It’s a complete package that opens up all possibilities to women entrepreneurs.
In this episode, Linda shares infinite nuggets of wisdom from her years of leadership experience and how you can tap into the transformative power, and how to get involved with the trailblazers of LeadHERship Global.
Shifters Wisdom:
“What keeps me on the move is our mission: Create the most impactful community of extraordinary women in the world, absolutely committed to harnessing the knowledge, the influence, and the trust of these high-performing women to create a community that is creative, supportive, allows women to challenge the status quo and move in new directions.”
(linda@leadhershipglobal.com |www.LeadHERshipGlobal.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindafisk/ | @leadHershipGlobal) Music by Broke for Free
TUE, APRIL 13, 2021