SAT, NOVEMBER 7, 2020 • S1 E19 • 23 MIN 31 SEC
When you hit rock bottom, you have two choices: to stay there or shift.
For Remy Meraz, Founder, and CEO of Me Tyme, losing her 6-figure job and going through a divorce at the same time resulted in a shift to bring a new way of treatment for emotional health. Having been diagnosed with chronic anxiety and ADHD, she was no stranger to anxiety-packed situations.
And despite her world being turned upside down, Remy was focused on building her own business.
Remy shares her story, her family’s story, and the journey of incredible shifts. She changed not only how she treated her chronic anxiety and ADHD, but how she is now shifting the taboo of treating emotional health with tools to self-management for emotional stressors in real-time.
Shifters Wisdom:
“At the end of the day, it really comes down to is why you are passionate about it? You always have to dig into the passion of it and the why. Going back to your why is always going to be the driver. There are always going to be things that try to bring you down, but when you can tap into the passion and the why, that is what gets me out of bed every day.”
( | | | @remymeraz) Music by Broke for Free