TUE, SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 • S1 E15 • 21 MIN 6 SEC
Cara Armstrong with Baby Barista
It’s 3 a.m. and with a puff of air, you blow the hair out of your face. Only providing a moment of relief, the strands fall right back into your eyes. You wish you could just fix it, but you have a crying baby in one arm while you’re trying to make formula with the other.
Seems like a pretty normal scenario for any parent. But for Cara Armstrong, it was unexpected.
You see, she always vowed when she became a mom she would breastfeed. But when her daughter, Mia was born diagnosed with Down syndrome, everything changed…including the ability to breastfeed her.
It was during that 3 a.m. formula feeding that Cara became a shifter in the making. Now known as the “Fearless Mom” even by the hosts from The View, she went from emergency room nurse to CEO by revolutionizing the instant formula experience so parents can spend more precious moments with their children.
It certainly didn’t happen overnight. It’s a journey of persistence, compassion, and finding inspiration even during those life-altering moments when you’re not sure if you can move forward.
Shifters Wisdom:
“It takes time to create excellence. If it could be done quickly more people would do it.”
(cararn1@mybabybarista.com | http://mybabybarista.com/ | Instagram @mybabybarista | Mia’s Instagram @count_mia_in |The View Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFBaVzodTf0&feature=youtu.be) Music by Broke for Free