TUE, JANUARY 5, 2021 • S1 E32 • 29 MIN 56 SEC
Alfonso Chavez with Mocha Media
Starting your own business means being humble enough to wear more than one hat. You may be the CEO one day, but perhaps the marketing extraordinaire or accounting wizard the next.
And potentially…cyberphilosopher?
The ever-shifting relationship between humans and technology ultimately impacts the foundation and growth of your business…if it’s thinking about policies for your employees or the power you give technology in making life-changing decisions.
In this episode, Alfonso Chavez, the CEO of Mocha Media and passionate cyberphilosopher accelerates us to the future of business by focusing on important decisions we should be making today.
Shifter Wisdom:
“I spend time researching and learning as much as I can about topics so I can be informed and capable of dealing with the issues in real-time. The second thing is really trying to raise the bar and the consciousness of that bar. It’s about being an active participant and see how I can give back to the community in a way that can empower the next generation.”
(www.mochamedia.com | Twitter: @mochamedia | https://www.linkedin.com/in/alfonso-e-chavez-ayub-2b05761/) Music by Broke for Free
TUE, JANUARY 5, 2021