TUE, SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 • S1 E10 • 17 MIN 45 SEC
Courtney Titus with Why Not Wellness
Are you a woman who struggles for energy each day and feels even more wiped out during your period? Chances are it's your diet or lifestyle that's the cramping culprit.
But it's not your fault. Women are simply not taught how to understand their cycles.
Courtney Titus is a Women's Holistic Health Coach with Why Not Wellness. Learning from her own mensuration makeover journey, she now empowers women to tear through the years of misinformation about PMS, irregular periods, chronic UTIs, and other gut health issues in order to help them live more vibrant lives.
In the spirit of this podcast, this was not a direct path for Courtney. She dives into her shifts of life and business, leaving her corporate job on the East Coast, embarking on a life-changing backpacking trip across Europe, and starting life over in California.
It's a power-packed podcast of resiliency, showing how the ability to ebb and flow can lead to success.
Shifters Wisdom:
"Write out your why and emotionally connect to your purpose."
(www.courtneytitus.com | whynotwellness@courtneytitus.com | https://www.instagram.com/whynotwellness/)
Music by Broke for Free