TUE, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 • S1 E16 • 29 MIN 55 SEC
Thomas Williams with Permission To Dream
Did you know… only 1% of college athletes will go on to play professionally? Now, we see these athletes all the time because we’re usually chanting their names in front of our TVs with friends.
But what happens to the other 99% who take off their uniforms…and never step inside a locker room again?
For Thomas R. Williams, taking off the uniform was something he never planned for.
Nicknamed “The Hitman”, he was the image of a talented football player. A two-time national champ for the University of Southern California and an NFL career first at Jacksonville and then Tampa.
But a career-ending neck injury in 2012 forced Thomas to look in the mirror and ask the same question 99% of athletes have to ask themselves each year: “Who am I, now that the helmet is off?”
One career shift later, Thomas had his answer. And he’s helping other athletes find their answer too.
“Identify your strengths because your strengths are what made you successful in your previous career and it’s those same strengths that will make you successful in your next career.”
(thomas@thomasrwilliams.com | www.thomasrwilliams.com
| https://www.instagram.com/TRW_permissiontodream/ | https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasrwilliams/)
Music by Broke For Free