SAT, DECEMBER 5, 2020 • S1 E27 • 18 MIN 38 SEC
Bharat Kanodia with Veristrat
All entrepreneurs at some point will face the question, what do I do with my business? Do I sell it, close it, transfer it, etc? For a good number of people, there is a dream of selling your company for millions of dollars and riding off into the sunset knowing you made the world a better place.
Hold up. The reality is that only one out of 20 businesses actually, get sold.
That’s according to Bharat Kanodia, business valuation master, who has signed off on over 4,500 valuations with $2.6 trillion in assets globally.
There are a few reasons why businesses never sell and eventually just run aground. But the most common reason falls on the shoulders of the business owner…and if you’re interested in ensuring the lasting legacy of your business and your place in the sunset, this is one episode you literally can’t afford to miss.
Shifters Wisdom:
“My advice to entrepreneurs is to invest in technology. The more you invest in technology in your business the better it will be for you in the long term. The second thing is to make your customers into loyal paying customers. Reoccurring revenue in any business is king.”
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