WED, DECEMBER 30, 2020 • S1 E31 • 16 MIN 36 SEC
KC Chohan with Together CFO
Taxes…when you read that word, what comes to mind? A grunt of frustration or potential excitement? Well, if you grow your business 10x, you might be excited! Yet when it comes to paying taxes, we can all agree that there’s got to be a better way than giving more to Uncle Sam than ourselves.
If you feel like you missed the memo about paying less in taxes…well, you might have, and the excitement can emerge when you find out the solutions available.
KC Chohan with Together CFO works with clients on loopholes and tax structures to help high-net-worth individuals keep more of their hard-earned money through your business and beyond.
Listen to this episode to find out more and how you can bring your tax situation together.
Shifters Wisdom: “Every morning, I do what is called the four-minute journal. I write something I’m grateful for, three things I want to achieve, and at the end of the day, I write the three things that happened that I’m grateful for. Having the day start and end with gratitude and a quick to-do list always keeps me grounded and moving forward.”
( | @togethercfo | @kc_chohan) Music by Broke for Free
WED, DECEMBER 30, 2020