THU, NOVEMBER 12, 2020 • S1 E23 • 25 MIN 14 SEC
August Caimi with Caimi Law
Having worked as a bouncer at the Stone Pony, a venue known as the catalyst to both music careers and bruised knuckles, August Caimi is no stranger to handling conflict. It seems that is what he was born to do.
Even as a kid when rolling out homemade pasta and watching old episodes of Perry Mason with his Sicilian grandmother, he knew he wanted to be an attorney.
After working at a few different firms, August made the natural shift to start his own practice. His clients have ranged from Hilton Hotels Corporation Worldwide, to Mixed Martial Arts Cage fighters and promoters.
Known as “Your Legal Bodyguard”, August not only takes a tough stance defending clients in the courtroom, but also passionately defends why starting your own business is the best path to security.
Shifters Wisdom:
“Just show up, that’s 90% of the battle. Showing up as been a terrific simple nugget in helping me be successful.”
( | August@YourLegalBodyguard.comm) Music by Broke for Free
THU, NOVEMBER 12, 2020